What’s Up? Walk-In counselling clinic at 636 Kennedy Road
(416) 967-1773 extension 200
Leave a voice message with your name and number to get a call back.
Please call ahead to confirm the hours of operation and which days your preferred language is offered. All our same-day sessions are available in-person only.
Beginning May 6th, our WUWI clinic will once again open on Thursdays.
Monday: 2pm – 6pm (visit us between 11am-4:45pm)
Tuesday: 2pm – 8pm (visit us between 1pm-6:45pm)
Wednesday: 2pm – 8pm (visit us between 1pm-6:45pm)
Thursday: 2pm – 6pm (visit us between 11am-4:45pm)

Emergency shelter and transition home
747 Warden Avenue,
Scarborough, ON M1L 4A8
Phone: (416) 864-4444 ext 300
Warden Shelter employment opportunities please click: apply for job

Scarborough Village Pathways to Education
1 – 3545 Kingston Road, Scarborough, Ontario M1M 1R6
Phone: (647) 351-0091
Fax: (647) 351-0092
Monday 9:30a.m.–6:00p.m.
Tuesday 9:30a.m.–6:00p.m.
Wednesday 9:30a.m.–6:00p.m.
Thursday 9:30a.m.–6:00p.m.
Friday 9:30p.m.–5:00p.m.
Weekends Closed

Danforth Community Space
596 Danforth Rd
Scarborough, ON M1K 1E7
By appointment only

Corporate Head Office
636 Kennedy Road,
Scarborough, ON M1K 2B3
Phone: (416) 967-1773 ext 0
Fax: (416) 967-7515
Monday 9:30a.m.–5:00 p.m.
Tuesday 9:30a.m.–5:00p.m.
Wednesday 9:30a.m.–5:00p.m.
Thursday 9:30a.m.–5:00p.m.
Friday 9:30p.m.–4:00p.m.
Weekends Closed