YouthLink’s Approach

Ready to get past the struggle?

YouthLink’s Service Philosophy

YouthLink believes that youth and their families can achieve the best possible outcomes when programs and services are guided by the following values and approaches:

  • Choice

We offer a range of services and options, including mental health, skill building, advocacy, prevention, educational supports, early intervention and intensive intervention/support services.

  • Participation

Youth and their families can actively participate in the planning, decision making and evaluation of services provided.

  • Community-based

We provide programs and services in the communities where are clients and their families live.

  • Client-centred

Our services and supports are flexible, accessible, responsive and non-judgmental

  • Culturally sensitive

We are sensitive to the race, culture, ethnicity, language, sexual orientation, gender identity, ability and religion of our clients.

  • Intersectional

We understand that systemic factors like anti-Black racism, homophobia, gender discrimination and religious bias often play a part in our clients’ journey and are prepared to address these inequities in the services we provide.

  • Strengths-based

We build on our clients’ strengths, gifts and expertise to help them achieve their goals and objectives.

  • Trauma-informed

We recognize the relevance and impact of trauma on our clients and use a trauma-informed approach to support them.

  • Collaborative

We work collaboratively with other community partners to develop resources and deliver services that respond to community trends and needs.

  • Healing-centred

We believe that recovery, healing and well being are achievable.

Client Rights & Responsibilities

YouthLink believes that all young people have certain rights, and will work to ensure these rights are upheld in the programming and services that we deliver.

Young people & their families have the right to:

  • Be treated with respect;
  • Be free from discrimination on any grounds;
  • Safety and freedom from violence;
  • Be informed in language that they can understand of their rights, program expectations, rules, and changes that may affect their care;
  • Give or refuse consent to service;
  • Be affirmed and celebrated in their social and cultural identities (for example, race, ethnicity, religion, gender, gender expression, sexual orientation and ability);
  • Express themselves, their feelings and opinions;
  • Participate fully in planning and decisions that affect their care, to be consulted, and to be heard;
  • Raise concerns and/or make complaints;
  • Privacy and the expectation of confidentiality.

YouthLink believes that along with rights, young people also have responsibilities while engaged in programs & services.  These include:

  • Participate in the treatment process, including developing treatment goals;
  • Provide staff with any information that may facilitate the treatment process;
  • Attend scheduled appointments and meetings and notify appropriate persons if unable to do so;
  • Meeting with and talking to your service provider and/or primary worker;
  • Respect differences of culture, religion, and the unique needs of others including other young people, staff and volunteers;
  • Respecting the rights, property, privacy and special needs of others, including other young people, staff and volunteers;
  • Following the rules set out for your programs, services or the locations where services are provided.