Financial aid for education
Financial aid for education has a long history at YouthLink. In 1920, when we were called The Big Sisters of Toronto, post-secondary education was a major goal and we set up a fund to help teen girls and young women overcome money challenges so they could go to school.

Program Overview
The Big Sister Legacy Fund provides financial support to YouthLink clients for their continued education through high school, college, university or apprenticeship training. Twice a year, successful applicants are awarded up to $2,000 per applicant for demonstrating keen commitment to their studies, an aptitude for them but insufficient money to continue with them.
What if I am not a client of YouthLink?
If you wish to apply for financial aid for post secondary education, but you are not a client of YouthLink, please email a request to apply for “the Big Sisters Legacy Fund” to: All applications will be considered, however not all applications will be approved.
Our Legacy
YouthLink is built on the legacy of caring, strong and motivated women. In the early 1900s when women weren’t allowed to have a drivers license, vote or write cheques, these women recognized a serious problem among teen girls, in the early 1900s, across Toronto, and decided to do something about it. Ever since, hundreds of volunteer fundraisers have kept that goal alive. To mark that dedication, The Big Sister Legacy Fund was established in 2008.
Read more about our history
To be eligible for this program, you must:
- Be or have been a client of YouthLink for at least six months;
- Be 16 to 24 years old;
- Demonstrate satisfactory academic performance; and
- Show your acceptance into a secondary, post-secondary, or apprenticeship program
How do I apply for financial aid?
To begin, let your YouthLink worker know that you would like to apply. Next, they’ll give you an application form to fill out. They’ll also help you with that if you wish.
Specifically you will need to include:
- An income/expense statement for the academic year,
- Two letters of reference (at least one from YouthLink staff) and,
- A typed or handwritten summary of your achievements, interests and any extra-curricular activities.
When can I start? What are the application deadlines?
Applications should be submitted by November 15 for the Winter Term and July 1 for the Fall Term.
For more information, please call us at
416-967-1773 ext. 200