Family Therapy
Are you a family member, guardian or caregiver seeking help for your youth or a relative?
If so, call us. As experienced professionals, we have helped countless young people and families deal with a variety of issues: grief and death, family conflict, separation and divorce, school issues, substance misuse, anxiety, depression, eating disorders, gender and sexuality issues, self-harm, suicidal behavior, physical and/or sexual abuse and family violence.
This list is by no means a representation of all the issues that we see. That’s because YouthLink is over 100 years old. You can rest easy knowing that if you are concerned about a young person’s safety or mental health, we are here for you.
Program Overview
We can advise you on important services that are out there, determine if YouthLink services are right for you and your youth or a referral elsewhere is needed.
Our philosophy is that young people and their families have the resources to heal; our programs are strength-based, trauma-informed and utilize an attachment lens. We believe that mental health impacts the entire family, we therefore strive to treat each youth in the context of their family as a youth’s best chance at mental wellness occurs when a family member or caregiver is positively involved in the outcome. We believe in the social ecology of young people and their place in the centre of family, the community, their culture, and their identity. As such, our therapeutic approach works to build those ecological connections, and recognizes the systems of oppression (i.e., racism) that can affect the healing journey.
As a next step, consider attending our What’s Up? Walk-in Counselling Clinic. Parents, family members and caregivers are welcome to attend with or without their youth. For more on this service, click here Or call us for more information.
(416) 967-1773 extension 222
However you choose to be in touch with us, we will support your choice. Please know it can take time to enter into programs, and the demand for some is high, therefore there may be a waitlist.
For more information, please call us at
416-967-1773 ext. 200