Journey To Zero
Journey to Zero provides customized supports and resources through a series of early interventions that strengthen families and allow children and youth to stay at home and in their communities, and prevent them from growing up in the care of the child welfare system.
Program Overview
- improve permanency for children and youth
- reduce the number of children and youth entering care
- reduce the amount of time children and youth are in care
- strengthen children/youth and families we work with
- help build family networks
- focus on prevention
As part of Journey to Zero, YouthLink has partnered with the Children’s Aid Society of Toronto to design and implement a unique intervention program, Intensive In-Home Supports for Adolescents (INSA). Through INSA youth ages 11 -15 who are at risk of coming into care or have recently entered care are connected with one of our Youth Outreach Workers who develop individualized plans and provide wrap-around services for youth and their families. The goal of the program is to support families in building their capacities to prevent youth from entering into care or reduce the amount of time a youth is in care.
Is there any more information I can read about this program?
Journey to Zero is co-designed by Children’s Aid Foundation of Canada and Children’s Aid Society of Toronto.
Please download this infographic to learn more
Youth ages 11 – 15 who are at risk of coming into care or have recently entered care, and their families are eligible.
How to access the program
To enter this program, you must be referred by the Intensive In-Home Supports for Adolescents (INSA) through the Children’s Aid Society of Toronto.
How long will the program run?
Typically, families involved with the Journey to Zero program will work with us for 3 to 6 months, meeting multiple times per week.
For more information, please call us at
416-967-1773 ext. 200